Sunday, February 19, 2017

The truth is hard to listen to

The truth is
I was anxious about rape
way before my mom pressed her lips to the air
and told me about Grandpa Larry

Sometimes a person must die 
before part of their life
becomes a story

The truth is
hard to listen to
and hard to tell

My body is hyper-aware of contact

The truth is
the definition of rape is an ocean
that many tread water in 

I was excited about becoming a woman way before
my mother showed me how 
to shave my calves
the razor in contact with ankles 
scraping knee caps
never thighs or higher

I filled the tub with blush and excitement
with my girlhood

I learned how to remove parts of me for others
I learned how to relish 
splatters of blood on porcelain
I learned how to grit teeth into a master piece

I learned that my blood is almost
a masterpiece
almost always 
a masterpiece

let it be 
genius and indescribable
when others want it to be

Rape is an ocean
that many tread water in

I was the last one on my basketball team
to remove the hair from my legs
in 7th grade
last to begin a cycle 
illuminated by moons 
and hushed like black skies

My body is an empty boat
sitting in those black waves
afraid of rocking 

I learned how to remove parts of me for others
My body was a naked empty boat
afraid of rocking

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