Monday, June 29, 2015

Relationships are bruised knuckles

Relationships are bruised knuckles

relationships are bruised knuckles
when you’ve punched the lights out
of anything that’s ever made you feel

you bleed at first
but you like when the blood cracks 
and your hand is all catholic confession
share and tell
and let go of

like you never did wrong

relationships are the trains
you miss on purpose
so you don’t have to wonder
if the stare of his warm-warn-in gaze
is love or lust
if it’ll last you
until home
if his NYC is too far from home

you don’t have to wonder 
if you’re worth it
your shapeshifting
the jello of you
the stuff that slipped off the tray in grade school
your uprootedness
your hollow
your void
like a check you write anyways
and you skip from soul to soul
like its hopscotch
love is hopscotch 

and when you find something
worth it
you jump
you croon
you put all of you
on the tracks
you attach yourself 
there like its all 
or nothing
because most of this time 
its nothing
and then you can cradle 
your bruised
your broken
convince yourself that
love is a game
and you loved
when she told you that you are so obviously queer
you melted into it
embraced her words like you would
your nana’s arms
because in it was belonging 
even though you disagree
because you are not ‘so obviously’ anything
so obviously you are nothing

except, you are bruised knuckles

and you wonder if your purple-blue 
is the same as storm clouds
because then you think
you will give yourself a little
the rain will come

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