My body runs on moon time
most of ours does
the silver glowing night light does its thing
so i do mine, which mostly means
i take a pill every night
ive also been trying to switch to a diva cup
but it doesn't fit up there right
so doing my thing also means shoving white bleached cotton
that has none of the moon's sliver glow
up into my body
most of the time
i dont think about pregnancy
except when i walk to the CVS
in single digits
to get a pregnancy test
and wait for the line to die down
heave it on to the counter
and walk to Cubs to use the bathroom
because its more auspicious
the CVS guy would for sure know what i was up to
and the heat in my cheeks
is burning me
it is too hot for me to stay in one place
i am light years ahead thinking about
how i would deal with a plus sign
how rotten my gut has turned
so fast
Part II: My 16-year-old student's
her body has been gnawed at
and wrung out
but she still holds her self solid
she digs at her arm
where the teeth of an implant
have sunk all the way in
and she claws and pinches
skin and metal
see? if you can mess it up
real good
it won't work!
my 16 year old white body
that grew up in rural wisconsin
which now has come to rest
in my 23 year old white body
is astounded
my eyeballs have come out of sockets
like in saturday morning cartoons
and I ask her why she would want the birth control
to not work
is an ice cube
so cool she is taking care
of the sun on my hot cheeks
she says real fast
she wants to get pregnant
my audacious ass
asks why
she has gotten as many pregnancy tests
as the cuts on her arm
as if she is keeping track there
she has gotten as many
from the nurse as possible
so i ask why
and she says
so i wont be alone
Part III: My mother's
my mothers body
is a battlefield
that has been burned down
and turned into a prairie
there are all sorts of remedies and fruits that grow there
and it has become part of an incredible ecosystem
that breathes so much life
it might take off into the sky
there was a plus sign woven
into the fabric of teenage sweatshirts
and written in her curls
she cradled it
mostly alone
she once
had to jump light years ahead too
make decisions she shouldn't have
make life happen
too soon
make magic happen too soon
and then again
and then again
and my sister who feels
like a cousin
and my brother
and I
are here.
Her body is a spine
and thighs
and strength
and grace
and her teeth
and her smile
is moonlight
it is the goofiest
and the loveliest
i have ever seen
it is the i am still here
and getting my doctorate
at st. thomas
even though i live in wisconsin
and I have been a science teacher
and a principal
and an admistrator
and a leader in equity
and my body has created three other people
her body has been made by the moon
AND the stars
she is the creator
she is holy
I dont believe in god
as you might
but I believe
in magic
in the female body
and anyone who
as womyn
and i believe in the power
that we have to sew
together our society
weave bodies
into the tapestry
of communities
and I believe in my students
right to choose her path
in her right to find
comfort and community in a place
other than her womb
but also her right to find comfort
in her womb
and her mother woven body
for she is magic still
and there is moonlight that comes from a place
not limited to our wombs
but in our life line
for she is me
and I am her
and our body
is the only goddess
I know of
Much love to you, Shea, and your gift of writing, speaking, and activating. 💗