Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Technically Intimate...Talking 'Bout Our Generation

Alex (2010)
Evan Baden

Talk About a relevant, now, here, now. Evan, Baden is here and now. And yesterday, he was here physically!

I really appreciated seeing Evan's body of work, and hearing the trajectory of his history as an artist. His work has evolved into a story about the youth of this generation's relationship to all things technological. In the beginning however, he felt a little bit like his work was esthetically pleasing but lacked meaning...perhaps a bit hollow. This really resonated with me and I was so happy to see the path that he took to reach his current project was not at all neat. 

From the The Illuminati
Evan Baden
Evan Baden explores the concept of the youth of this generation being steeped in a world of technology; we have cellphone glued to one hand, ipad to another, laptop to another, gps to still another, earbuds sewn in ears, and instant communication always at our fingertips. While I think it's important to note that the population he uses as subjects are almost strictly teenage, middle to upper class, suburbian white girls, this intimate relationship with technology seems to have swept the entire nation. 

Where will this leave us in 5, 10, or 40 years?

Visit Evan Baden's Webpage HERE!

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