Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Found Messages

Found PoetryFound Poetry 5High IntensityI Have A Real Banana In My CarWe Can Marry
So Can WeStair GoddessA Road MapUntitledYou Are WelcomeCome Back
WaitWe Will Pay For You To Spend MoneyEmptyFriends Help Friends Drink CaffieneNo Guns...And Please Come To Our Tea PartyA Natural Cooler
Real EnergyFor SteveWe Use, Steve Keeps CartonsFound Poetry 3Found Poetry 7Found Poetry 2
Found Messages, a set on Flickr.
As I went out into the wild, I tried to think of how I would sift through all of the messages you find or create each day. What are are all of the things around you trying to tell you? Or ARE they sending messages intentionally?

I have posted these photos in hopes that I can receive feedback to narrow my approach. These are some of the images that struck me as sending particularly strong messages. focus...


  1. The color of your pictures add to the text a visual element that allows the viewer to enjoy and challenge his or her own perceptions of messages (which I think for the most part, when we think of a "message" we think of a text that goes with it).
    I prefer the pictures that have little text and great imagery. Nevertheless, I do not know if I would really make changes to what you have now.
    Great job!

  2. I love this idea! The text in some of the images is really interesting, and sometimes even surprising. Some of the images without text don't entirely seem to fit, though - perhaps figuring out how or if they fit will help you narrow your focus?

  3. my favourite of all in this set is the banana skin lying on the wet road. the way it lies there is just totally perfect! i could see how this relates to being antisocial, in fact i am picturing a lonely man who walks back to his house after work and just throw the banana skin on the road because he had a depressing day, and it was raining. i could be totally wrong about the intention of this picture,,,but i like how it evokes the image scene for me!
